FLASH 250- Integrated  Preparative Chromatography- FLASH

Product No:

FLASH 250- Integrated  Preparative Chromatography- FLASH

High efficiency COMPACT Preparative Chromatography System.

  • 4 Channel 
  • Scanning 
  • 200-800
  • 250 ml/min
  • 4,351 psi

System includes:

  • UV-Vis DAD detector 
  • Preparative gradient pump
  • Automatic injection valve
  • Fraction collector 

The FLASH 250 Detector 

  • Measures four (4) wavelengths simultaneously 
  • Spectral scanning 
  • Can handle 10-50 millimeter diameter ID columns 



Flash Chromatography is a purification technique not an analytical tool like HPLC or UHPLC. Flash has been around for decades and was primarily used for pharmaceutical drug discovery R & D. Flash chromatography was used when a medicinal or organic chemist synthesized a new drug molecule. Before the chemist could study the compound of interest, they needed to purify or “clean up” the compound. The crude reaction mixture passes through a flash chromatography column in a “flash”. The pure drug compound is then isolated by selective elution. Flash Chromatography is a very effective purification technique and is still considered the primary purification technique used in R & D for the Pharmaceutical industry today.

Flash Chromatography is a type of preparative liquid chromatography. Flash Chromatography may be referred to as column chromatography or medium pressure Chromatography. Flash Chromatography is a special type of column chromatography. The FLASH 50 and FLASH 250 are capable of doing both preparative Flash Chromatography and preparative HPLC on the same system. Flash Chromatography is a preparative liquid chromatography method that easily and quickly separates organic compounds.

In chemistry, column chromatography is a chromatography method that is used to isolate a single chemical compound from a mixture. Flash Chromatography does just that, it purifies individual chemical compounds from a mixture of compounds. Flash Chromatography is most commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry for drug discovery, peptide and antibiotic purification, sample clean-up, early stage drug discovery, protein analysis, natural product analysis and more recently cannabis and hemp analysis.

Column chromatography techniques are implemented to separate steroids, hormones, vitamins alkaloids, cannabis and hemp. Column chromatography is also used to determine the amounts of those substances in samples of body fluids. Therefore, Flash Chromatography is an efficient method of extracting and purifying cannabis and hemp. There is an overwhelming need for a higher purity products. These techniques isolate cannabinoids and can further purify extracted cannabis raw materials.

Even though Flash Chromatography is a “medium pressure chromatography” both the FLASH 50 and the FLASH 250 systems can handle up to 4,351 psi. Flash Chromatography is a rapid method of column chromatography. It is called “flash” because it is a rapid method of column chromatography. Flash chromatography is high resolution chromatography. The solvent is pumped through a packed column at high flow rates. The sample loading capacity impacts yield and purity. While higher loads improve yield, they may diminish purity and lower loads may improve purity but possibly reduce yield.

Flash Chromatography is a very successful technique for those needing to purify cannabis and hemp extracts in order to remove impurities and isolate or separate individual cannabinoids. Flash Chromatography is also being used to isolate and purify cannabinoids for use in edible products.

An automated purification system includes a UV/VIS DAD Detector, a preparative gradient pump, automatic injection valve and a fraction collector. All of these components are controlled by a touch panel. There are two Flash Chromatography modes, normal-phase and reverse-phase. The phases have different separation mechanisms depending on your purification goals. Normal phase works well when separating compounds with significantly different polarities. It is often used to remove unwanted co-extractants and polar co-extracted impurities.

Flash Chromatography can be used as the front end of a CPC (Centrifugal Partition Chromatography) system. The cannabis and hemp processing industry needs to purify cannabis and hemp extracts in order to remove impurities an isolate/ separate individual cannabinoids. Flash Chromatography is one of the most successful methods used to achieve accurate, fast results. Icon Scientific offers many solutions to improve your cannabis and hemp purifications and analysis. We are happy to discuss your applications and assist you in configuring the best technique and system to meet your chromatography needs.




  • FLASH 50 and FLASH 250 can do both FLASH Chromatography and traditional HPLC on the same system
  • HPLC backpressure capability to handle flash columns and preparative HPLC columns
  • FAST (In a FLASH)
  • Ability to use either normal or reverse phase
  • Can use bonded phases to modify elution profiles
  • Versatile
  • High flow rates like traditional HPLC
  • Proven and reliable


  • Any traditional HPLC application
  • Purification of natural products (vitamins, vegetable dyes, dietary supplements)
  • Isolation and purification of pharmaceutical drugs
  • Isolation and purification of cannabinoids (cannabis and hemp)
  • Isolation and purification of cannabinoids for use in edible products
  • A preparative HPLC that can be used for any preparative HPLC techniques